for solo piano
circa 7 minutes
PROGRAM NOTES from the composer:
"Cartes postales de la Suisse" is an ongoing project to musically encapsulate memories from my time in Switzerland over the past few years. "Tango Roumain" is dedicated to a humorous Romanian-Swiss couple who hosted me for a few nights. "Une pièce en bois" is dedicated to a retired scientist who asked me to translate shapes made from a piece of wood into a musical form. "Le match érythréen" is based on a vivid memory of a pick-up game of soccer with a Eritrean family versus a less-talented Swiss family (plus one huffing and puffing American). "Franglais" represents the celebration of finding another American to befriend while muddling my way through a French class. "Chanson de lumière" is the music I wrote for my Swiss bride as she walked down the aisle to marry me - she, by the way, is the reason I continue to collect any memories worth keeping.
Cartes postales de la Suisse - score (instant download)
11 page score in portrait layout